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Glamcorner AU Discount Codes and Coupons Apr 2024

Glamcorner Discount Codes and promo code

Glamcorner AU Discount Codes and Coupons Apr 2024

Expired Coupons and Deals

Sometimes these Glamcorner also work after they expire

SALE | 0 used

Get A Maternity Wardrobe From $79 | Glam Corner

Valid Until: Expired


SALE | 0 used

Membership Plan From $79 | Glam Corner

Valid Until: Expired


SALE | 0 used

Gc Premium From $169/mth | Glam Corner

Valid Until: Expired


SALE | 0 used

50% Saving Self Portrait

Valid Until: Expired


SALE | 0 used

50% Saving Aje

Valid Until: Expired


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FAQ's Glamcorner

What is the cost of delivery at GlamCorner?

At checkout, the fastest shipping mode is selected automatically to ensure that your order arrives before 8 p.m. on the desired date. The delivery costs range from $10.95 to $15. This charge covers both deliveries to you and returns to us (in a pre-paid satchel). Only full bookings are subject to the delivery fee. Standard Try On orders are free of shipping fees; however, if you want your Try On order on the same day, there is a $15 surcharge. Please note that sale/clearance items do not come with a return satchel.

Is GlamCorner available on weekends?

GlamCorner presently does not deliver on weekends. Despite their best efforts, their couriers are only available on business days.

If I return my GlamCorner dress late, will I be charged a late fee?

GlamCorner sends customers a nice reminder SMS on the due date to ensure they don't forget - hence it's extremely rare for ladies to return their dresses late. If you miss your return date and send your dress back late, you will be charged a late fee of $30 per day.

Is GlamCorner a Vogue Online Shopping Night (VOSN) participant?

Yes, indeed! VOSN deals and promos are available at GlamCorner. All VOSN discounts, specials, deals, and promotions can be found right here on SuperSaverMama Australia.

Will GlamCorner send VOSN orders to me if I'm not in Australia?

Will GlamCorner send VOSN orders to me if I'm not in Australia?

Will GlamCorner accept returns for items purchased during Vogue Online Shopping Night (VOSN)?

Return policies for GlamCorner VOSN may differ from their standard return policy. Before making a purchase, make sure to read the return policies.

What is the GlamCorner promotional VOSN code and how can I acquire it?

Don't worry, you'll receive the VOSN special code on the day of the event. Simply shop as usual and use the code given to you on the day of the event at the checkout.

Can I combine my GlamCorner VOSN order with another coupon, discount, or promotion code?

While you may typically use any of the coupon/discount codes for your GlamCorner purchase, VOSN is a little different. You can only use the promo code that was given to you on the day.

Glamcorner Customer Reviews

Based on 5 customer reviews and online research, Glamcorner has a rating of 3 out of 5 stars, indicating that most customers are satisfied with Glamcorner.

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